Guess who has two thumbs and is in finishing wires?? THIS GIRL!! After about 5-6 different sets of wires I'm FINALLY in my finishing wires! It feels great to achieve this milestone!
My ortho still has me in Class II elastics and I honestly feel like I will be in them forever! I had high hopes he would tell me I can stop using them, then he flushed those hopes down the toilet. *shakes angry fist*
I got a power chain on my upper teeth and the assistant asked if I wanted clear, but I hate how clear stains so easily so I asked her for a color that doesn't stain a much as clear does. So she put Pearl in my mouth. Pearl is WHITE. I mean, WHITE white. You can totally see it in my mouth when I smile/talk and just reminds me how non-white my teeth actually are. Maybe I just have to get used to them.
The assistant also put a tiny square block between my bottom central incisors. It looks weird!! I guess it is to keep from my wire from moving, but geez, but it in front where everyone can see it why don't you!
I always forget after every adjustment just how much my mouth will hurt. Oh. Em. Gee. I feel like ripping my teeth out!!!
The picture I took of my mouth doesn't look like my teeth. Wow, what an improvement! *happy dance*