Monday, November 28, 2011

Everything is breaking!!

So on Thanksgiving day I was eating some AMAZING Sweet Potato pie, one of the softest pies in the world... Then I heard a crack. I thought it was something in the pie, but soon realized that my lower right molar bracket broke off. WHAT?? From eating PIE??

Then on Sunday I was at the Raider vs Bears game eating some Cotton Candy, then next thing I know I'm chewing on something really hard. I take it out of my mouth and I see something blue. I thought it was just a hard part of the Cotton Candy but I realized that I was eating pink Cotton Candy and not blue! DOH! One of my molar buildups came off!!

Really though? My bracket and bite block came off within 3 days of each other while eating pie and cotton candy? Unfortunately I couldn't schedule an appointment to fix them before my adjustment next Tuesday, so I will have to live with it for another week. My bite actually feels fine without the left molar buildup so I am hoping that they will just remove the right one next Tuesday. I'll keep you posted!


  1. Ho ho ho Dawn, I didn't mention it in my blog but I had the same problem, both left and right ceramic braces also broken off, I think it's because of the pulling strength of the rubber band we are wearing.
    Glad to hear I am not the only one and the "it's okay" comment from the dentist is also the right comment hahaha I was getting worried there!
    Hang in there! You are very close!

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