Monday, December 20, 2010

Week 6

My upper wire is basically straight now! My upper teeth are still slightly slanted but now they are covering my bottom brackets more. My natural bite actually causes me to hit my lower brackets! So now I have to push my lower teeth back further to bite down :( It's sucking right now but it will get better (soon I hope!) I can definitely tell that there are changes happening!

 Look at my teeth now compared to Day 1.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I need wax?!

As I'm coming up to week 6 my bracket on my lower left molar is going ninja on my cheeks! I didn't think I would need to use wax after week 1-2! I guess as my teeth are moving my mouth needs to re-adjust itself. Such a pain, but at least I know there is something going on in my mouth :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Leveling out!

 Okay so I didn't notice this until now, but my upper teeth have really leveled out! My teeth were aligned so slanted before and now they are almost completely straight! Awesomeness :)

Week 4

Day 1

Monday, December 6, 2010

Week 4

 Visually not much has changed with my teeth since my last update. My bite has changed slightly and I think either my top teeth are moving down or my bottom teeth are moving up. My upper teeth keep hitting my bottom brackets more often.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week 2

Day 1

Week 2 - Much straighter!

You can really see a difference in my teeth in the first two weeks of having braces! My lateral incisors have moved back quite a bit, but there is still a ways to go!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 1

I got my braces fitted this morning! Ceramic on top, regular Damon metal on the bottom. I wanted all ceramic but because of my deep bite they said that ceramics on my bottom would wear my upper teeth down more than it already is. They wanted to prevent that from happening when I bite down.

Also to prevent me from biting into my bottom brackets, they put a bite block (blue cement) onto my lower molars to open my bite. I'm not sure if they will wear down before my next appointment in 12 weeks, so my diet will consist of shakes, soft foods, and liquids until I'm able to bite down properly, Maybe a good liquid diet to help lose weight, eh? :) You can kind of see which parts of the wire will need to straighten out, especially on my cuspids where they will need to be brought down. I'm excited to see how my teeth with progress!


Here are some pictures before my braces are put in. As you can see I have a pretty deep bite and my left incisor sticks out a little bit (probably trying to revert back to what it was before I had Invisalign. It stuck out 3x more than this before!). My teeth are relatively straight, but there's a lot of work that needs to be done!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

8 more days!

8 more days until the big day! My orthodontist office finally cleared my down payment check, so my journey with metal is becoming more and more real!

I have been doing a lot of research about braces everyday and the more I read about other's experiences through the process the more I get excited to start mine!

The only thing I'm going to be sad about is that I am getting them installed 2 days before my boyfriend's birthday dinner at his house. And his mom makes the BEST. FOOD. EVER!... which I will be unable to eat. Or I will need to eat very very slowly... *sigh* :(

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Beginning

I have decided to take the plunge and go see an orthodontist about my overbite. I initially wanted to do Invisalign (again... I'll talk about THAT in a minute!) but after examination of my teeth they recommend that braces would give me the results I'm looking for, and they will have more control over the way my teeth move with braces.

Now for the Invisalign fiasco. I got Invisalign done maybe... 5 years ago? The dentist asked me if I just wanted to straighten my teeth or fix my bite. They said that my face will change when they fix my bite and me being the self conscious person I was 5 years ago decided I wanted the quickest solution possible for straight teeth. I had to wear Invisalign for about 10 months. It was easy to use and my teeth looked great!... Until the VERY. LAST. TRAY. The last tray moved my two front teeth forward slightly (which I hated!) and totally ruined my bite!! Over time my teeth had to move to compensate for the horrible bite that was created w/ the invisalign. Ugh!! So I wouldn't recommend Invisalign if you need major work done. Just minor movement, especially if you have had braces before.

Anyways, my appointment to get the metal work done is on November 5th. I am getting ceramic braces done so it shouldn't look too bad :) I had to pay ENTIRELY out of the pocket :/ but luckily enough I've saved enough money to put down a large down payment so my monthly payments are lower. It will set me back a couple months for moving out, so I probably won't move out of my house until early next year.

I'm excited to get my braces in!