Friday, September 16, 2011

"Fang" update

Well folks, after 3 days I can officially say that my "fang" is G-O-N-E! It was actually gone after about 24 hours which was kind of amazing! My bite feels much better now and I can bite normally without my front teeth hitting my bottom brackets! Here is an updated picture along with a picture of me with a good hair day :) Happy Friday!

My "fang" is gone!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Week 45 - 5th Adjustment

Look how long my central incisor is AKA "Fang!"
The wire is going to bring that up :)
So today I went in for my Repo, meaning that they were going to reposition some brackets based on my progress. I took an x-ray and everyone was pretty impressed with my tooth alignment and roots. They only needed to reposition one of my upper central incisor brackets and my upper right first premolar bracket.

Lucky me [insert sarcasm here], I had an assistant from San Francisco come in and work on my teeth today. She really seemed new and like she didn't know what she was doing most of the time. She even put pressure on the cheek retractor that were sitting on top of my gums! PAIN. DON'T DO THAT!! And she even asked me, "Is the cheek retractor bothering you?" First of all, no it's not the cheek retractor, it's YOU. And Second, I can't even say that because you have your HANDS IN MY MOUTH! DUH. I know I should give her a chance since she's still learning but I mean... come on. These are my teeth we are dealing with here!

I'm still in the Class II elastic configuration, but my ortho said that I am ahead of schedule!! Woohoo! He said the longer I wear my elastics, the sooner I get my braces off :) My next adjustment is in 6 weeks. The closest one yet! It's usually 8 weeks. And I'm definitely feeling some pressure on my "fang" so hopefully it moves up quickly!

My first premolar needs to rotate.