Monday, January 31, 2011

1st follow-up appointment tomorrow!

I'm both excited and nervous for my first follow-up appointment tomorrow. It's been a little over 12 weeks since I had my braces put on and I'm curious to know what the next step is. Will I get a new wire? Am I going to get brackets put on my back molars? Will I get elastic bands? Will they do nothing and send me on my merry way?? I also hope that I have been cleaning my teeth properly as well. I will update you tomorrow on how it goes!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Week 11 - Crunchy time!

I can eat chips again!! Exciting yah? My molar buildup has been ground down pretty far and they have pretty much replaced my molars. My bite is SO much better now and I can eat almost normally. I still haven't had chewy candy or salad in almost 3 months. My first follow-up appointment is next Tuesday so I'm excited to see what they think of my teeth and how they have progressed! I actually hope I get to have rubber bands too... I miss the pain! (I say this now, but I know I will regret these words later :p)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Week 9

Short blog today. Nothing riviting to update. It is interesting as time goes on because I feel like every week my braces are irritating a different part of my mouth! I need to use wax in different places now, but I haven't because I'm lazy *shrug* I only try to use wax when it gets really bad. Also my bite blocks aren't really keeping my bite open anymore. I have to force my bottom teeth back so I can bite down completely. I can't WAIT to close my mouth naturally! My next appointment is in 3 more weeks! I'm pretty excited for it!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Week 8

Nothing major to report. My teeth start to become sore in different areas but visually I don't see that much change. My bite is really changing though, and I'm not sure if it is because my teeth are moving or my bite blocks are getting lower. I just can't wait to go to my next appointment in Feb!