Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Week 31

Week 31 - Lower teeth moving
back up into uppers :( WHY??!?!
So my lower teeth were in the process of moving down behind my upper teeth before my adjustment. Making really good progress too! And now with this new wire, my teeth moved back up! It looks more like Week 23 now!! They were doing so good before this adjustment.

It could be my upper teeth moved, bite blocks got lower... Or maybe something else moved inside my mouth that I am not seeing! All I know is that it has to get worse before it gets better :( I hope my lowers start moving back down again soon. This frustration is what I get for paying very close attention to my teeth movement! *bangs head against a wall*


  1. Hi Marie, did you asked your ortho if this is normal?? I guess maybe the upper ones have moved down a little bit.
    Do you still have the blue fillings?
    Anyway it„s a fact that they move :) kiss you

  2. I didn't even think about the fact that my lower teeth could have moved down. That's a possibility! No I didn't ask them. Maybe I will at my next adjustment if I don't see an improvement.
