Thursday, May 5, 2011

6 months!

Today I have officially had my braces on for 6 months! Wow, that went by pretty fast! Let's hope the next 6 months go by just as quickly! :) Maybe I should celebrate with popcorn & chewy candies? Ya?!


  1. Popcorn I haven't tried with braces, but I have virtually eaten everything possible, and I haven't had a problem! Unless of course I had an adjustment. Then, I'm out of order for a week.

    I think a celebration is in order, though! Congratulations, looking good!

  2. yay! braces-versary! Your teeth look great!

    I've tried popcorn a few times ... it wasn't the worst (haha) Gum is the only thing that I really can't eat. When I get mine off, I'm stuffing my face with gum balls!

  3. Thanks guys!! I ate popcorn fine, but I hate things getting stuck on my brackets so I'm going to stay away from anything super chewy :)
